Legrad, Varaždin – Information boards about sand martins, little terns and riverine plants reintroduction were set up on 27th of August on several locations along the Drava River.

The information board about Libanovec steep river bank, a nesting site for sand martins (Riparia riparia), was set up in the wider Libanovec area. It provides key information about the steep river banks, its characteristics and importance for sand martins and other steep bank breeding species. Besides basic information about sand martins, there is also information on how to protect them and how to preserve their nesting site.

A little further away, an information board about dwarf cattail (Typha minima), a pioneer species that grows on dynamic river habitats such as gravel and sand bars, and is an indicator of healthy and natural rivers, was set up at the Mura-Drava confluence.

Information about other gravel bar residents, little terns (Sternula albifrons), can be found on the old Drava River near Varaždin, more precisely at the revitalization site Stara Drava Varaždin.

All information boards were set up with the help of DRAVA LIFE team. To see more photos of the location and the process of setting up information boards check out our photo gallery.