
WWF Adria
German tamarisk

Conservation of German tamarisk

At the end of April, we sent several plants of German tamarisks to the Botanical Garden in Klagenfurt so they could further develop. We hope we will be able to plant them one day in the natural habitats on the Drava River in Croatia, together with new plants.

Botanical Garden, Klagenfurt

Also, to determine the actual origin of German tamarisks that can be found near the Drava River, with the help of our colleague Dragica Purger, we extracted genetic material of German tamarisk from the gravel pit and drainage channel near HPP Dubrava. We can’t wait for the results and to finally have scientific evidence about the origin of the plants.


Dr. Dragica Purger a botanist and expert associate in the DRAVA LIFE project/botaničarka i stručna suradnica DRAVA LIFE projekta

Successful first phase of re-introduction and repopulation of riverine plants along the Drava

Legrad – The first process of reintroduction and repopulation of extinct riverine plants in Croatia was carried out on 3 sites along the Drava River in Koprivnica-Križevci County earlier this year. First monitoring of this action`s results had been planned for May this year but had to be postponed until end of June due to the high water levels that persisted a little longer than two months.

As a part of the re-introduction activity, german tamarisk was moved from the gravel pit near Varaždin and Prelog to the pre-selected locations, while dwarf cattail was transported from Austria, where its population along Drava river is in good condition due to the reintroduction that was carried out throughout several projects.

Patuljasti rogoz na lokaciji Forjanov siget/Dwarf cattail at location Forjanov siget

German tamarisk at location Libanovec/Kebrač na lokaciji Libanovec

German tamarisk at location Libanovec/Kebrač na lokaciji Libanovec












“Despite the unfavorable conditions and fear that high water levels will adversely affect plants, we are extremely happy that our first monitoring results showed that the first phase of repopulation and reintroduction was successful. Our expert associate, Dr. Dragica Purger has found separate seedlings on almost all sites where the activities were carried out. Unfortunately, not all plants have survived high water levels but we believe that the species that survived will continue to grow. The first year is crucial in such cases and we will closely monitor plants in the upcoming months. The ultimate success of reintroduction and repopulation can only be ascertained when seedlings are fully adapted to the new habitat conditions and are beginning to reproduce”, said Branka Španiček from WWF Adria.

Both the german tamarisk and dwarf cattail are indicators of healthy and natural rivers. German tamarisk was last recorded in 2013 at the gravel bars near Legrad, while dwarf cattail disappeared from this area more than 20 years ago, to be more precise, last time it was recorded on the gravel bars near Varaždin was in the year 1994.

Both plants are pioneer species that grow on new habitats such as sandbanks and river banks in freshwater ecosystems. They could be found on this kind of habitats along the Drava river in Croatia until the recent past but have become almost extinct from the area with the gradual decrease of such habitats and loss of river dynamics along with rapid and frequent changes in water levels due to hydropower operation. Factors that have contributed to the disappearance of these habitats are lack of sediment as well as decreases of natural river dynamics due to river regulation and hydropeaking.

Reintrodukcija riječnih biljaka uz Dravu/Reintroduction of riverine plants within the Drava Life project
Reintrodukcija riječnih biljaka uz Dravu/Reintroduction of riverine plants within the Drava Life project

First reintroduction and repopulation of riverine plants in Croatia

Legrad, Croatia – On Friday March 30, 2018, WWF has implemented the first reintroduction of two extinct riverine plants in Croatia on 3 sites along the Drava River in Koprivnica-Križevci County. This activity was done within the DRAVA LIFE project, funded through the LIFE program of the European Union.

The reintroduction is a process of returning the plant species to the area in nature where those species disappeared, but the conditions for their survival are still remaining. Both the german tamarisk (Myricaria germanica) and the dwarf cattail (Typha minima) are pioneer species that grow on new habitats such as sandbanks and river banks in freshwater ecosystems. Both plants` could be found on this kind of habitats along the Drava river in Croatia until the recent past, but today they are almost extinct from the area due to river regulation activities from the past.

reintrodukcija_kebraa_na_rijeci_dravi_2 Repopulation of German Tamarisk








“Appropriate habitats for these two species on the Drava river are still here, but these species have disappeared from them due to various anthropogenic influences and changes in the morphodynamics of the river. These species are considered to be indicators of the river that has natural hydromorphological dynamics and a shape of the riverbed that changes. Drava river is still one of them”, said Branka Španiček, DRAVA LIFE project officer in WWF Adria.

The german tamarisk and dwarf cattail are considered to be one of the most important indicators of healthy and natural rivers. Human impacts on rivers (e.g. channelization, construction of hydropower plants as well as gravel and sand extraction) alter vital hydro-morphological processes, reduce river gravel dynamics and affect natural floods, all being essential features for these natural ecosystems to develop and persist. Gravel and sand bars as pioneer habitat types have become very rare in Europe and they are among the most endangered ecosystems. Therefore, they are declared as priority habitats within the European Habitat Directive in the European Union.

The german tamarisk until recently could be found on only two sites at the confluence of the Drava and Mura, on two gravel pits and along the drainage channel near the hydropower plant Donja Dubrava. It is a statutorily protected species in Croatia and listed by the IUCN as critically endangered. Only 26 seedlings found in two gravel pits of German tamarisk were repopulated to 3 previously chosen locations near Legrad in Koprivnica-Križevci county.

Sadnja Patuljastog rogoza

Ušće Mure u Dravu








“Unfortunately just few young seedlings with well-developed root system have been found on those locations. Mostly adult plants of German tamarisk were dug out and planted on 3 different locations which are most suitable for their survival. Adult plants are still less susceptible to dryness and mechanical disruption than juvenile plants and therefore can be planted in various microhabitats. This method was chosen because it was verified and proven as the most successful method in the reintroduction of riverine plants in Austria, Germany and Switzerland”, said dr. Dragica Purger, a botanist and expert associate in the DRAVA LIFE project for the plants reintroduction and repopulation activity.

The dwarf cattail is on the European Bern Convention list for the Protection of Wild Species and Natural Habitats. The existence of dwarf cattail in Croatia could not been confirmed, and this species is unfortunately considered to be extinct from the territory of Croatia due to the human activities. Several hundreds of adult plants of dwarf cattail with developed roots system have been reintroducted to sand banks along the Drava river near Legrad as well. The plants were brought from Carinthia in Austria, from the Upper Drava ecosystem. Expert Dr. Gregory Egger has accompanied the removal and safe transport of the plants.

If the action turns out successful, German tamarisks and dwarf cattails will once again become indicators of an intact and healthy free flowing river and their reintroduction aims to directly improve the biodiversity of flora and fauna and the natural values ​​of Drava river’s ecosystem.

The event of reintroduction and repopulation of riverine plants was also supported by Ivan Sabolić, Mayor of Legrad and Marina Mihalec, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Đelekovec, who both helped plant a mother plant on an island in the Drava. Partners in the Drava life project from Croatian Waters, WWF, Public Institutions for the Management of Protected Areas of Nature in Koprivnica-Križevci County conducted the reintroduction together, with support from local fishermen and Rafting club Zeus.

German tamarisk/Kebrač Patuljasti rogoz/Dwarf cattail

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